




       1. America is enormous: the third largest country in the world with a population of more than 300 million people.

  1. 美国很大,它是世界上第三大国家,拥有3亿多人口。当然这和中国比起来真的不算什么。

  2. Americans come in all colors, have all types of religions, and speak many languages from all over the world.

  2. 美国人来自世界各地,由不同的种族构成,信仰不同的宗教,说不同的语言。

  3. Americans are extremely independent, individualistic, and like to be different from each other.

  3. 美国人非常独立,讲究个人主义,非常喜欢和别人不一样。

  4. 66% of Americans are overweight; 37% of those are obese.

  4. 66%的美国人超重,37%的美国人患有肥胖症。加起来都超过100%了呢。

  5. Americans believe in freedom of choice.

  5. 美国人认为选择自由是非常重要的。

  6. Americans need a lot of “elbow room”; they like personal space around them.

  6. 美国人需要很多“施展空间”,他们喜欢拥有个人空间。

  7. Approximately 1% of Americans are homeless (3.5 million people).

  7. 有1%的美国人无家可归。而他们通常是真的。

  8. Americans talk easily to the homeless but use good judgment and are careful with whom they talk.

  8. 美国人能很轻易地和流浪汉交谈,不过他们也会有自己判断,选择自己认为友好的人。

  9. Sadly, the streets of major cities are often dirty.

  9. 不幸的是,大城市的街道总是肮脏的。

  10. Many people, especially teenagers, wear strange clothes, and many have tattoos and body piercings.

  10. 很多人,尤其是青少人,都会穿着奇怪的服装,有纹身和各种环。

  11. Americans follow the rule of law.

  11. 美国人特别遵守法律。因此有时也会显得很死板。

  12. Littering (throwing garbage on the street), graffiti and tagging (writing on the walls), and loitering (standing around and doing nothing) are against the law and are punishable by a fine or jail.

  12. 随地乱扔垃圾,涂鸦,在街头闲逛都是违法的,会被处以罚款或坐牢。不要随便尝试你在电影里看到以为很酷的事情。

  13. Discriminating against or making any insulting statement about someone else’s religion or ethnicity is against the law and could be punishable as a hate crime.

  13. 歧视或语言攻击他人的宗教信仰和种族也是违法的,会被定以“仇恨罪”。FYI这是重罪。

  14. You must be over the age of 21 and you must have an identification card with a photo to buy or drink alcohol.

  14. 你必须超过21岁,并且拥有一张带有照片的身份证件才可以买酒。

  15. In most states, it is illegal to buy cigarettes if you are under the age of 18 and often you can only smoke in certain places.

  15. 大部分州州法律规定,必须年满18周岁才能买烟,并且你只能在规定的地点抽烟,同时室内是不可以抽烟的。

  16. Americans are extremely informal and call most people by their first name or nickname.

  16. 美国人被认为是极度随意的,通常他们用名和昵称称呼彼此,而不是姓。

  17. Americans smile a lot and talk easily to strangers, sharing personal stories.

  17. 美国人经常微笑,轻易和陌生人交谈,并分享自己的故事。

  18. Asking “How are you?” is simply a greeting and is not a question about your health.

  18. “How are you”是一个普通的问候语,这个问题和你的健康没有关系。

  19. When Americans put their hands on their hips, they are usually relaxed; when they fold their arms tightly across their chests, they are angry or very serious (or cold).

  19. 当美国人把手放在自己的臀部时,这表示他们很放松。当他们把手交叉放在胸前,这通常表示他们很生气或很严肃,当然也有可能是很冷。

  20. Americans don’t push or stand too close to anyone in line. They always wait their turn.

  20. 美国人不会在队伍中推搡,也不会站得离彼此太近。他们通常会乖乖地在队伍里等着。这一条是给中国人看的吧。

  21. In a restaurant, the server is usually very friendly and helpful and often will tell you his or her name.

  21. 在餐厅,服务员一般都非常友好,会告诉你他们的名字,这并不代表他们对你有意思。

  22. When the service is good, tipping is expected to be 15–20% of the bill.

  22. 当服务员的服务非常好的时候,小费一般是15%-20%,当然如果你没给够的话,也只会收到微笑鄙视。

  23. Polite Americans eat with one hand while the other one is under the table on their laps.

  23. 礼貌的美国人吃饭时,只用一个手拿餐具,另一只手放在桌子下自己的膝盖上。赛尔君觉得这样吃饭简直丧心病狂,一点平衡感都没有。

  24. Usually, when friends meet at a restaurant they each pay their share of the bill or split the bill in half. It’s called going Dutch.

  24. 通常朋友间吃饭都是AA制,或对半分,这种做法称作“going dutch”。

  25. If you have guests over to your house, turn off the television, make sure your music isn’t too loud.

  25. 如果你邀请朋友来你家玩,记得要关掉电视,保证你的音乐不会开得太响。

  26. Americans have parties for many reasons. Sometimes they are held for friends to get together and to meet new people. There is rarely music or dancing at a typical American party.

  26. 美国人会用任何理由来举办派对。有时他们召集朋友,并认识新朋友。普通的派对并没有音乐和跳舞,只有大型派对才有。

  27. When you meet Americans, be sure to look them in the eye, smile, and shake hands.

  27. 当你遇到美国人时,切记要看着对方的眼睛,微笑,握手。

  28. Make small talk at the beginning of a conversation. After a few questions, you will be asked, “What do you do?” (This means what is your job?)

  28. 在正式对话前,可以和对方略微聊几句,对方会问你,“What do you do?”,这句话的意思是你的工作是什么。

  29. For weddings and showers, people register for gifts at a specific place.

  29. 婚礼上,人们通常在一个特定地方送上礼物。

  30. Americans open presents and cards in front of people.

  30. 美国人会当面打开礼物或贺卡。赛尔君已经养成这个坏习惯了。

  31. Be sure you include a card with your gift. The person given the gift will send you a thank you card.

  31. 如果送别人礼物的话,记得要写一张卡片,上面有你的名字和地址,收到礼物人会回信一张感谢卡。礼尚往来是好习惯。

  32. At an American funeral, it is not normal to make loud sad sounds. Americans try to keep strong emotions inside.

  32. 在美国葬礼上,通常没有人会发出巨大的悲伤声,也就是说没有人会抱着棺材痛哭。美国人一般会把强烈的感情藏在心里。

  33. There is no traditional color or flower that symbolizes death. Any and all flowers can be used at funerals.

  33. 美国人没有传统葬礼用的花或是制定的颜色。任何花都可以在葬礼上适用。是的,美国人没有你们这么多习俗,随意不要个我们编造,即使我们有,不遵守这些习俗也没有人会觉得你奇怪。

  34. We do not give money at a funeral. Sometimes, we send flowers or plants to the ceremony.

  34. 我们不会在葬礼上给礼金,一般送花或者植物就可以了。嗯,美国人不会什么日子都给红(白)包。

  35. After the funeral, there is usually a reception at the home of the family. There is usually a lot of food and sometimes alcohol.

  35. 葬礼过后,主人家都会提供食物,并且是很多食物,有时还会有酒。看来找机会聚餐这样的事确实是全世界流行的。

  36. Never ask Americans a direct question about their religion, age, money, salary, weight, or dress/suit size.

  36. 永远不要直截了当地问美国人关于他们宗教、年龄、存款、收入、体重、尺寸等问题。

  37. Do not make any racist or negative remarks about someone’s religion, family background, or sexual preferences.

  37. 不要负面评价任何人的宗教、家庭背景、性取向。

  38. Men should not make any “sexist” remarks to or about women—anything that would make women unequal to men.

  38. 男生不能对女生说任何带有性别歧视的言论,任何带有男女不平等的言论。这在美国是个大事。

  39. Americans say that they don’t want to talk about politics, but sometimes they do. It’s best to just listen first to see the other person’s point of view before you let them know your thoughts.

  39. 美国人都宣称自己不喜欢讨论政治,不过有时候他们根本停不下来。你最好一开始只是静静地听着,摸清楚大家的三观之后在表达自己,避免不必要的争端。

  40. Never go to someone’s house without calling first to see if it is convenient.

  40. 去别人家之前一定要打电话确认别人是否方便。

  41. If you are invited to an American party, do not bring your children, friends, or family members without first asking the permission of the host.

  41. 如果你被邀请参加一个美国人的派对,不要随便带上你的孩子、朋友或家人,一定要事先问清楚。是的,美国人很随意,但最讨厌事先不说好。

  42. Time is money. Never be late to classes, employment interviews, appointments, parties (especially your wedding!), etc.

  42. 时间就是金钱。上课不要迟到,上班不要迟到,面试不要迟到,约会不要迟到,派对不要迟到,你自己的婚礼更不要迟到。

  43. Some Americans hug a lot. It is okay for women and men to hug even if they are not close friends.

  43. 有一些美国人特别喜欢抱抱,即使男生女生之间不是特别亲密的朋友,大家也可以有爱地抱抱。

  44. It is normal for American women to have male friends who are just friends (and vice versa).

  44. 在美国男女之间的纯友谊是很正常的。明白了吗,讨厌的直男癌们。

  45. It is not uncommon for American men and women to share an apartment as roommates and not have a sexual relationship with each other.

  45. 在美国,没有任何感情关系的男生女生也可以合租。

  46. Most American women do not like possessive or jealous men.

  46. 直男癌注意,大部分美国女生并不喜欢占有欲很强或很喜欢吃醋的男生。

  47. Most American women do not feel comfortable having the man pay for everything all of the time.

  47. 大部分美国女生对于男生帮他们付钱这个事情并不喜欢。

  48. Be careful: Meet new friends in a public place many times before you get into a car or give out your address.

  48. 注意:在和新朋友有亲密接触,比如一起单独坐车或让他知道你的住处之前,最好现在公共场合约见,多了解彼此。美国人可以很随便,但也要学会保护自己。

  49. American parents speak to their children as adults and teach them how to be responsible for their actions.

  49. 美国父母会把他们的孩子当作成人进行对话,并教他们如何为自己的行为负责。

  50. American parents encourage their children to question and always ask “Why?”

  50. 美国父母非常鼓励自己的孩子问“为什么”?并不会因此把他们打死或赶出去。

  51. It is normal for American children to have very messy rooms.

  51. 美国孩子有一个像狗窝一样的房间是很正常的, which makes me feel so American.

  52. It is common for young Americans to carry security blankets or a stuffed toy.

  52. 美国年轻人经常会披着安全毯(去其他熟悉会让自己感觉很安全的东西)和自己的长毛绒玩具。So are Chineses.

  53. Americans do not hit their children but discipline them by taking things away.

  53. 美国人不会用打骂来管教孩子,但他们会用把他们的玩具或ipad拿走的方法。

  54. American men try to share equally with their wives in parenting and housework.

  54. 美国男人会和妻子分担家务和孩子的养育工作。

  55. Americans hire “babysitters” to take care of their children when they go out or are at work.

  55. 美国人会在自己外出工作的时候,聘请专人来照看他们的孩子。

  56. Americans love their pets, sometimes more than they love people.

  56. 美国人很爱特们的宠物,有时候胜过爱人。

  57. Homosexuality is protected by law in the United States.

  57. 在美国,同性恋是受法律保护的。

  58. The majority of older Americans prefer to live in retirement homes for independent living rather than to live with their grown children.

  58. 大部分美国老年人更喜欢独自住在养老院里,而不是和他们成年了的孩子挤在一起。

  59. Americans admire youth and often work past age 65 and/or go back to school.

  59. 美国人尊重年轻人,即使超过65岁依然还在工作,或者他们会选择回大学读书。

  60. Domestic violence is against the law. It is illegal to hit anyone: a spouse, a parent, a child, and even a pet.

  60. 家庭暴力是违法的,打任何人都是违法的,包括你的配偶、家长、孩子、包括你的宠物。赛尔君今早刚和家里的小猫大战一场,好紧张,感觉随时都会被抓走。

  61. There are special seats in the front of buses reserved for disabled people or senior citizens.

  61. 公交车前部,一般都会有为老年人和残疾人设立的专座。

  62. Be careful when you offer your seat on the bus to an older or a disabled person. Most older people do not want to be thought of as someone needing help.

  62. 当你在公交车上想给老年人或残疾人让座时,你可要小心,大部分老年人并不喜欢别人认为自己老了。

  63. Most buses require the exact amount of money and cannot make change.

  63. 大部分公交车不设找零。

  64. Because of pick-pockets, Americans carry credit cards and checks, instead of a lot of cash.

  64. 为了防小偷,美国人通常不携带现金,而是信用卡或支票。

  65. Pedestrians always have the right of way.

  65. 马路上行人的权利最大。

  66. Pedestrians must cross at a cross walk or unmarked intersection. Crossing in the middle of the road is against the law.

  66. 行人必须在路口或人行横道处过街,在马路中间过街是违法的。

  67. If it is not a life or death emergency, do not call 911.

  67. 如果不是涉及到生死大事,没事别打911

  68. Rent must be paid on time or there is usually a late fee.

  68. 房租必须及时付清,不然会有滞纳金。

  69. If you pay your rent by cash, be sure to get a receipt.

  69. 如果你是用现金支付房租,前往记得要收据。

  70. Americans love to hunt for bargains and often buy used things.

  70. 美国人很喜欢讨价还价,也喜欢买二手货。

  71. If the police put the lights on to tell you to stop your car, move to the side of the road right away. Stay in your car.

  71. 如果警察打灯让你停车,你必须将车停到路边,并留在车里。

  72. Look directly at the officer. Smile and say, “What seems to be the problem, Officer?”

  72. 接上,请微笑直视警官,问“先森,请问有什么问题吗?”。记得手不要乱动,没有让你出示驾照的时候不要自己去拿,这可能会被认为是去拿枪而被直接打死。

  73. When you drive, be sure to always have your license, registration, and proof of insurance with you.

  73. 当你开车的时候,记得一定要随身携带驾照、车辆注册证和车险证明。

  74. Never, for any reason, argue with or give money to a police officer.

  74. 永远永远不要和警官争吵,或贿赂警官。

  75. Always be on time to the job interview and to your job.

  75. 上班或面试一定要按时。

  76. Dress appropriately for the job interview.

  76. 工作面试时需穿正装。但如果你长得不帅,请不要在西装里穿毛衣。

  77. Smile, look the interviewer in the eye, and shake hands firmly when you meet.

  77. 和面试官相遇时,请微笑,看着对方的眼睛,并有力地握手。

  78. At the interview, be positive and describe your good qualities.

  78. 面试时,积极面对,对自己有自信,并描述自己好的品德。

  79. Sexual harassment is against the law.

  79. 性骚扰是违法的。会遭到很严重的后果。

  80. Students are expected to ask questions.

  80. 上课时,老师很希望学生提问题。

  81. Never use a cell phone in class.

  81. 上课时不要用手机。

  82. It is normal for an American teacher to sit on the desk.

  82. 美国老师坐在讲堂上上课是很常见的事。

  83. Always call your teacher by his or her name.

  83. 记得称呼老师时最好叫他们的名字而不是姓。美国人才没有欧洲人哪些臭规矩呢。

  84. It is never too late to go back to school and you can almost always find free adult education classes.

  84. 永远不会太晚回学校上学,而且你永远能找到免费的成人教育课堂。

  85. It is permitted to visit most college and university campuses to see what they are like.

  85. 参观大学校园时被允许的,而且不需要买票哦,樱花季也不需要呢。

  86. Children from the ages of 6 to 16 must attend school in the United States.

  86. 在美国,6-16岁的儿童必须上学。

  87. Do your own work. Copying from a book, a friend, or the Internet is called plagiarism.

  87. 你必须自己完成作业。抄袭书本、朋友的作业、网上的资源都是剽窃,那是学术污点。

  88. Cheating is serious, and the punishment is strong.

  88. 作弊是很严肃的问题,你将会收到最严厉的惩罚,比如退学,以及永不入境。

  89. Americans try to take care of a medical problem early.

  89. 美国人相信,有病就要早点治,并且药不能随便停。

  90. When you have a serious medical problem, it’s a good idea to get a second opinion.

  90. 如果你遇到了比较严重的健康问题,最好听听不用医生的建议。

  91. You can always ask the receptionist how much a doctor’s appointment will cost.

  91. 美国看病时很贵的,不过你可以去医院的前台问问,看一次医生需要多少钱。

  92. When you need to make an appointment with a doctor, list all of your symptoms in English before you call.

  92. 如果你预约了医生,在去之前把你所有的病症用英语列出来,你懂的,以防你到时候不会说。

  93. Most states have free or low-cost clinics.

  93. 大部分州都有免费或便宜的诊所。

  94. Never go to a hospital emergency room unless it is a matter of life or death.

  94. 如果不是生死大事,不要去急症室,你真的不知道那有多贵。

  95. Americans are really careful about not bothering anyone else with their body odor or bad breath.

  95. 美国人很在意自己的体味和口气会给别人带来不愉快的感受,即使他们的体味真的会很重,所以美国人一般都会用香水。

  96. Most Americans take at least one bath or shower each day.

  96. 大部分美国人每天至少洗一次澡。

  97. Most Americans put on a good underarm deodorant after bathing.

  97. 大部分美国人洗完澡都会在腋下用上一点香氛。

  98. Throw all toilet paper and seat covers in the toilet to be flushed away.

  98. 上完厕所吧所有的测试和垫纸都扔进马桶冲掉。

  99. If you can’t understand the sign on the restroom door, ask someone or check to see who goes in or comes out.

  99. 如果你看不懂厕所门口的标志,一定要问别人,弄清楚什么样的人去什么地方,不要自己乱猜。

  100. Americans often talk to each other or on the cell phone while using the bathroom.

  100. 美国人经常在上厕所的时候和别人打电话。

  101. There are very few “public” bathrooms available in U.S. cities and towns.

  101. 美国城市里很少有公共厕所。不过大部分商场或写字楼的厕所都可以免费试用。如果你实在急的话,和餐厅商量一下,也是可以使用的。

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